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Ministering To The Total Man


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Missionary Ministry

Every son and daughter is called to be a Missionary; we are called to the service of God and our fellow man; and to fit us for this service should be the object of our education.  The Missionary Worker must be taught, how best to help the poor, care for the sick, and to work for the unconverted. The true Missionary is personally concerned, he/she has a deep love for people, is greatly concerned about their needs, not only physical and material, but their soul's salvation and spiritual health as well.  He/She is a Missionary everyday and on every occasion.  This is not merely an aspect of his/her life, it is his/her reason for living.

The Missionary Ministry of Mount Zion United Holy Church is striving to attain all of the aspects of good Missionaries.  Our purpose is to worship God in a joyful fellowship, to impact the community with needed and caring service and to invite all people into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ as together we prepare for His return and an exciting eternity with our blessed Lord and Savior.  You must be a member in order to serve in this ministry. 

Audio Visual Ministry
Our purpose is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through video streaming, CD'S and DVD'S

Usher Department 

Delight in God's House 
For a day in thy courts is better that a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. 
Psalms 84:10
The Ushers Ministry is dedicated to help usher God's people into the building as well as maintain an atmosphere of reverence and order before, during and after the service with a "ready to-serve" attitude. 

In order to serve in this ministry, you must be a member of the Mount Zion United Holy Church.

Ushers Ministry would be responsible for, but not limited to the following:
Meet and greet congregants with a warm and friendly smile to ensure all are welcome.
Provide directions and information as needed, help with seating needs, as well as hand out bulletins and tithing envelopes.
Collection of offering.
Assist the deacons and Communion Ministry in the serving of Communion.
Help to direct those who are responding to an altar call.

Music Ministry: 

The Mount Zion United Holy Church  Music Ministry seeks to praise and worship Jesus Christ and to minister to those in the congregation through music. We have a Men's Choir, Womens' Choir, Youth Choir, and Adult Choir. Additionally, there may be occasions in which we combine all choirs to create a Mass Choir.  We have a Praise and Worship Team as well. For more information regarding any of these ministries, please feel free to contact us via our contact us page on this site.  


Golden Age Ministry: 

 Psalm 92:12-14 But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon. For they are transplanted to the LORD's own house. They flourish in the courts of our God. Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green. They will declare, "The LORD is just! He is my rock! There is no evil in him!"

This ministry is geared towards our Seniors 55 and over. There are a variety of events throughout the year designed with them in mind. 


Evangelism/Outreach Ministry: 

Our mission is to spread the Gospel beginning at home and then abroad by reaching out in love and respect to people from every nation.

"...Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone." Mark 16:15 (NLT)

In order to serve in this ministry, you must be a member of the Mount Zion United Holy Church.

Activities and Functions of this ministry include:

  • Special team mobilizations to distribute invitations to special events at the church (e.g.. Christmas and /or Easter events)
  • Prayer Stations: The Prayer Station offers members the opportunity to speak and pray with anyone who has a need.
  • Attend the  informational evangelism training classes.
  • Bring the Gospel to the needy communities of the city, giving a hand and communicating the love of Christ by not just talking about the Love of Christ but by doing and showing people that His love is real and palpable. This includes helping out in outreaches targeted to help the community.


Mens' Ministry

We are a community of men submitted and committed to following the example of Jesus Christ. We seek to glorify and serve God through the building of character, serving the community and reproducing His Life in the lives of others.

Activities and Functions of this ministry include:

  • Men Locking Arms:  Men who desire to grow deeper in the Word of God and develop Christ-centered relationships with other men participate. Sign-up is required.
  • Annual Men's Retreat: Join  men (ages 15+) for an opportunity to be challenged, encouraged and refreshed. The location and time of the event changes annually. 
  • Community Outreach: We are partnering with various non-profit organizations (e.g.. Habitat for Humanity,  etc.) to impact the community for Christ as we serve. We also go out with the Mount Zion Evangelism  Team to evangelize.
  • Activities: Bowling, ball games, paintball, and other sporting and social events are coordinated and attended. 


Couples Ministry:

The Marriage Ministry empowers both married and engaged couples through sound biblical and practical teaching to have a deeper friendship with their spouse. We also seek to bring together married couples, allowing for lifelong friendships where they will be able to offer close personal support throughout the range of challenges faced daily by people.

"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12

We provide classes, workshops and functions for couples, including teaching and conferences. During the summer we provide a wide range of activities focused on fellowship and fun. Events include date nights, picnics, plays and more.


Youth Ministry:  


is to bring youth into a closer relationship with Jesus and one another.  We will mentor and guide youth through this time of spiritual formation and help them and their families adapt the teachings of Jesus (Love, Mercy and Grace) so that they may develop a deeper committed relationship with Jesus.  It is through that purpose that our vision is to provide a quality Youth Ministry program by providing the tools for youth to explore, expand  and build their faith.  We will continue to challenge and encourage youth to commit their lives to Christ.  We offer Children's Church which is geared towards the youth ages 5-12. Children's Church is offered on the first three Sundays of the month. Fourth Sundays are designated youth Sundays, a time in which we all worship together in the main Sanctuary and the youth play vital roles in the service. Growing in Grace is a youth ministry geared towards young ladies up to age 18. We also have have a Young Men's Mentoring Program which is the counterpart to the Growing in Grace Ministry. In order to serve in is ministry you must be a member and have undergone a background check.  


Womens' Ministry: ( Sister to Sister) 

We provide essential support to the women of the Mount Zion United Holy Church in a spirit of love. Together we learn who we are in Christ, the power of prayer, how to deal with everyday situations and problems and the call to witness to others the "Good News" of Jesus Christ.

We have periodic women's meetings and special events.


Dance Ministry

What is a Praise Dance?

A Praise Dance is a form of dance that glorifies God by communicating the divine message of the good news of Jesus Christ. A Praise Dance is a unique and God ascribed dance (Ps. 150:3-5). This means that God has ordained the dance to be a physical expression of our acknowledgement of Him (Ps. 150:2; Col. 1:16) and our relationship with Him in joy and gladness (Ps. 22:3; Ps. 30:11; Zeph. 3:17).


What is Dance Ministry?

Dance Ministry is simply the process by which we use our gift of dance to share the gospel or the good news of Jesus Christ to the lost and to encourage, comfort, and edify the saints in the faith.


We Care(Bereavement Ministry)

This ministry is designed to meet the needs of the Mount Zion Church family in the time of  death. We know that at this time you need the support of your family and friends, and here at Mount Zion we are family. "We Care" is here to help, whether it be a visit, help with arrangements, prayer, etc.


Housekeeping/Grounds keeping Ministry

One of the many ways volunteers bless our church by working behind the scenes is through the Housekeeping Ministry.  Each week, they keep our facilities sanitary, aesthetically-pleasant, and ready for the many other ministries that rely on cleanliness and order.  They faithfully complete the major cleaning jobs for the church, but everyone can play a part in this ministry as they respect and take care of the house of God. The groundskeepers will work to improve and maintain a well-kept, neat appearance of the church grounds.

Young Mens' Mentoring Program

This program is designed to minister to the needs of our young men during the most impressionable and crucial decision making years of their life.


Growing in Grace Young Women Mentoring Program

This program is designed to minister in very practical ways to our young ladies as they grapple with some of the most challenging years in their journey to adulthood. 

 Singles Ministry

VISION: The vision for the Singles Ministry at MZUHC is to have a group of sanctified, talented, anointed , righteous single believers who are totally committed to God and His Word, living an overcoming and victorious life in Jesus Christ. We want each single to know their purpose in God, know the importance of intimacy with God, and know that they are a unique invaluable person selected by God to be used in the advancement of His kingdom, especially in these end times.


PURPOSE: The Singles Ministry is a ministry dedicated to the development of maturity, character, integrity, and stability in the lives of single individuals at MZUHC. We are not a dating service. We aim to assist the Singles in learning how to seek God first! We stress HOLINESS as a lifestyle before God and man, and WHOLENESS as a MUST for a victorious life in Christ. Our method for achieving this is through teaching the Word of God, as well as, through praying and fellowshipping with one another and other single ministries in the body of Christ.


OBJECTIVES: The singles ministry main objective is to produce single individuals who live a lifestyle in direct contrast to the worlds concept of the single person. We aspire to be a people whose delight is in the law of the Lord and who are willing to demonstrate to the world that: being single yet whole in the Lord is a delight and not a drudgery. Our primary focus is to please the Father and to be complete in Christ in order to be adequately prepared to fulfill the purpose of God in our lives. Secondly, our objective in conjunction with the local church fellowship, is to edify one another by encouraging personal growth and development in the word of God and in the local body.


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