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Welcome!.    This page is designed for those who are new to Mount Zion or new to our website and who may be contemplating attending and/or joining. We would like to provide you with some information as it relates to what you can expect whether you are a new member or contemplating attending one of our services.  If you are contemplating attending a worship service and not exactly sure what to expect we would like to prepare you for the Zion worship experience. First of all you can expect a safe place in which to worship and experience Gods' presence. A place free of judgment and full of love. You may choose to wear your"Sunday Best" or jeans and sneakers either way is fine here at Zion.  We would like to provide you with some Biblical information about our Worship and Praise service,because during our service, the worship may take forms which are unfamiliar to you.  It is our sincere desire to worship according to God's Word.  Our purpose is to give glory to God. John 4:24 reminds us that God is Spirit and that we must worship Him in spirit and truth.  Because Jesus is our Lord, we purpose to obey His Holy Spirit and therefore at times our worship service may take on various forms. Sometimes the service will be structured; other times it will be spontaneous.  At times, it may be loud and demonstrative; while at other times very quiet.  There may be an explosive celebration of praise or there may be a hushed reverence.  The following information is intended to assist you in recognizing, by God's Word, the flow of the Holy Spirit during our worship services. 

  •  Why we lift our hands:  Lifting our hands is a valid scriptural way to worship:  It a way by which we can respond from our hearts, demonstrating our love before Him during a song, our agreement with a word spoken that aligns itself with the Word of God, or reaching out with our hearts in prayer.  It also shows our surrender to God . Here are some scriptures that deal with the lifting of hands:  Lamentations 3:41, Psalms 63:4 and 1st Timothy 2:8
  •  Why we stand and sometimes kneel: There may be times that we stand in reverence and/or agreement or kneel in humility. "And the Levites... stood up to praise the Lord God of Israel with a very loud voice" 2nd Chronicles 20:19. Here are some other scriptures that relate to kneeling and/or standing.  Revelation 7: 9-10, Nehemiah 8:6, and Psalms 95:6.
  •  Why we clap our hands and give audible praise to God: "Oh clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto the Lord with the voice of triumph".  Other scriptures include Psalms 98:4, Psalms 118:15 and Psalms 126:2.
  •  Why we dance in the Spirit: When a believer yields their body to the Lord in praise, the result of such cooperation with Him and be that of exuberant dance as the individual allows the Holy Spirit to move upon and influence him.  We call this " dancing in the Spirit"  Leaping before Him is another expression of joy and praise in His presence.  Psalms 149:3 "Let them praise His name with dancing" other scriptures to meditate on as it relates to dancing  are Psalms 30:11 and Romans 12:1 just to name a few.
  •  Why we move in the spiritual gifts: 1st Corinthians chapters 12 and 14 gives scriptural guidance concerning spiritual gifts.  Please remember that these gifts manifest as the Holy Spirit desires and the reason for them as the scripture points out, is so the congregation of believers will be built up, encouraged, and strengthened in the faith.  Of the gifts, you'll more frequently observe the gift of tongues (accompanied by the gift of interpretation) or the gift of prophecy. So we give particular attention to these now.  You may hear an individual believer began to speak or sing in tongues. You will usually observe the whole congregation giving attention to that person, often waiting in silence until someone begins to sing or speak in English. This will be the interpretation of what was said in tongues. These two gifts combined are equal to prophecy.  Now, someone may may give a message in English without first someone speaking in tongues.  This is the Scriptural gift of prophecy in operation.  In either case they fulfill God's purpose which is to edify His people. If you hear the entire congregation speaking or singing in tongues, this is not the gift of "various kinds of tongues" (1st Cor. 12:10) but rather, each believer's individual prayer language which is usually received with the initial filling of the Holy Spirit ( Acts 2:4) and is released by the believers' will (Jude 20) and is directed to God (1st Cor.14:2) and therefore does not require interpretation.  
  •  Why we sing in the Spirit: " I shall sing with the Spirit and I shall sing with the mind also" (1st Cor.14:15)  ...."be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord" (Eph.5;18-19). "Let the Word of Christ dwell within you, with all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God" Col.3:16.  The phrase "sing in the spirit" means to spontaneously sing our praise to God in "other tongues" Singing ( or speaking) in "other tongues"  means the believer has received a language unknown or not understood by him and is enabled by God's Spirit within him to release as he wills, singing with a known melody or with a melody that God provides simultaneously.  It is possible that in the service you will hear the congregation sing praises to God, both in English ( in psalms or hymns or other written songs) as well as in "other tongues"
  • Why we pray for the sick: "Is any among you sick?Let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the Name of the Lord;and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick and the Lord will raise him up..." James 5:14-15
  • Why do people sometimes fall: "When therefore Jesus said to them I am He, they drew back and fell to the ground" John 18:6. 'and the guards shook for fear of Him and became like dead men" Matthew 28:1-4.  "And when he had fallen to the ground I heard a voice saying to me...." Acts 26:14.  Why did these people fall? Because they came into contact with the supernatural power of God.  If people fell backwards in the presence of Jesus then, why would they not now, seeing that He lives in the believers today?  You may see people fall under the presence of God as the Pastor or Ministers prays for them or lay hands on those individuals who come forward with a need.  As the Pastor moves in the gifts and the anointing of the Holy Spirit ministers to these people some may fall under the power as they are touched by God's presence.  Keep in mind that falling does not necessarily mean that a need has been met. Needs are met by the Lord through faith in Him and obedience to His word. 
  • Why we believe the Bible is so important: "All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work" 2nd Tim. 3:16-17. "Jesus said, "These words that I have spoken unto you are spirit and life" John 6:63.  "Jesus was therefore saying!.. If you hold on to My Word then you are truly disciples of mine and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free" John 8:31-32. 
  • We trust that this information has been helpful in helping you to understand our worship service and what you can expect should you decide to worship with us.  We look forward to having you visit with us.  Zion is Calling: Come and Experience it!!!!
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